Fall Art Class Enrollment Is Open!
We are so excited about our new class line-up for the fall! Based on parent feedback over the years, we are expanding the kinds of classes we are offering to accomodate more ages and more schedules. To learn more, you can go to our master schedule for each studio, or visit our Classes and Camps page and find what works best for you: Toddler and Preschool Classes, After School Classes or Weekend Events. Then, go to our Registration and Payment page to reserve your spot!
Please let us know if you have any questions about any of our offerings.
If the class you want is FULL, email the specific studio to be put on a waitlist:
Westshore: YellowBirdSouth@gmail.com
Registration for School's Out camps, Holiday Camps and Parents Night Out Art Nights and Meditative Art for Women will be posted in August and September.
And once again, thank you for supporting us and our creative arts program for children in our community!