Toddler and Preschool Classes
Yellow Bird Studio is the perfect place in Tampa for your little artist to explore their creativity with a wide variety of art materials and media!
Little Art and Play Open Studio
We are the best play-date spot in town! Come join us for age-appropriate process arts, crafts, sensory experiences, and good old fashioned play in our beautiful and inspiring space. Meet other parents and caregivers and enjoy time with your child as everyone has fun...and leave the clean up to us!
This is a drop-in class, so come every week or when you have the day off and want to spend some quality time together. Come any time between 10:00-11:15 and stay as long as you like. Dress for mess! (No class on holiday camp weeks in November, December and March)
Age: 2.5- 5
Day: Thursdays and Select Saturdays
Time: 10:00-11:15
Cost: $18
Registration: Yes, to hold your spot
Caregiver: Yes, a caregiver is expected to stay and participate with the visiting child.

Story Time Art and Play
Literacy and creativity are a great combination for young children! Each class is inspired by one of our favorite children’s books. We will start all classes by reading a story that gets us in the mood for creating. We then work on a process art project that is inspired by the day's story, and gives your child the chance to practice their skills and explore different kinds of art media and materials. We save time for your child to play and socialize at different sensory stations and in our play room, and then end with a goodbye song together.
Age: 2.5- 5
Day: No Classes Offered At This Time
Time: TBA
Cost: TBA
Registration: Yes, to hold your spot
Caregiver: Yes, a caregiver is expected to stay and participate with the visiting child.

Tips for caregivers:
Dress for mess! We do provide smocks, but play clothes are recommended for children and adults.
For toddlers and preschoolers, allow your child to choose where they want to start first!
Nurture your child's process of making art rather than being focused on their finished product.
It's okay to make a bit of a mess- that is what art is about! On the flip side, you can also help your child to understand that we use only the amount we need for our projects.
Often, kids take the lead and engage in a very natural way with the space and the art materials available to them. There is rarely a need to intervene in their artistic process, except maybe to help them reach something that is too high or mix up another special color of paint. However, if you have come to the studio on a day when your child may need a little extra direction, our teachers are here to provide you with tools and ideas to help you and your child get started.
Bring a snack for the littlest artists. It will provide your child with a second wind to make even more art.
Feel free to help us keep the studio materials organized and neat for other visitors. We appreciate your assistance!